I went to a new book club tonight. Crazy, I know. But when I heard about this one, it really spoke to me and I knew that I had to be a part of it. The first book was Robert Putnam's
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis. Honestly, as of today I have not finished this book but I like what I am reading so far.
The book touches on a few things that interest me though because I grew up all over the maps he draws. I had that family that did everything together until I was 12. We had family dinner time. I don't recall watching TV. We read. Or played games. OR talked! Of course there were extra curricular activities but my parents were INVOLVED.
But then divorce happened. We were raised by a single parent. There were serious tough times and yet, I succeeded. I went to college. I own a home. I own a car. I have a 401k.
I will say this though: As a country, we divide ourselves. We create our own division and I can't figure out why.