I've logged in a few times, because I am trying to download all of my photos and what not but for the most part, I'm sorry my friends, I have not viewed your status updates, or posts, or pictures or much of anything (Ok, I think I sad faced or liked one post by mistake).
Looks like I'm not the only one leaving:
I Said Goodbye to Facebook
Facebook Dead at 12, A Victim of 2016
By the way, you don't have to like these pages and you don't have to leave any comments here or there. I think some of us just want you to understand how we are feeling.
I've also talked (face to face) to a few people and they too are leaving or have left. We all agree that it's just not fun anymore.
I'm learning about instagram and having fun on litsy and reading. I've finally caught up!
Also, I'm hoping my meetups with regards to the book challenge I am doing will get more people coming.
Hope you are doing well! Remember,
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson